Archive for June, 2008

Blood Type~: Degree of Patience

Surprisingly this post has taken me quite some time to finish. It’s hard to think about what to write on topic of degree of patience for a laid back and ignorant person like me. Yeah, but I do felt anger before, who does not?

In fact certain character of people just tickled my nerves, exploding my blood vessels up to my head and usually I choose just to stay away and ignore these people and to greater extend, shutting down my life from them. It does not matter what triggers the anger as I believe every person have different things tickling their nerves.

Just recently I read a quote saying “When you’re frustrated with people, when they’ve made you angry, it just may be because you haven’t give them enough time.“This beautiful advise was taken from the book “The last lecture” by Randy Pauch. Randy actually got this advise from an imagineer at Disney Land by the name of Jon Snoody.  He said although this process takes a long time, eventually people will show their good side and this is someting that will impress and surpass your every thought and expectation of that people.

Enjoy the comic folks!

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Blood Type~: Time Appreciation

I admit when it comes to time management, I am not a typical blood A person who are always punctual, never late for anything. I only make sure I am not late if there’s a very important meeting, appointment or an interview so that I am not leaving bad impression that I don’t appreciate their time.

Unlike Love, Money or Reputation if lost you can rebuild and regain over hardship, skill, luck and opportunities, Time is so precious that in my opinion that is the only thing in this world that once it’s gone, nothing you can do to gain it back.  But yet, I am slacking, wasting my time by posting on this insignificant blog. haha. But also maybe, it’s worth the time spent if this blog may change the way we appreciate our time.

Maybe you have heard of this quote over and over again but still I’d like to repeat this again as a gentle reminder for all of us.

It does not matter how long you have spent in life but what you put in it.

For me personally, this serves as a great reminder to not be selfish for spending all my time pursuing career but instead I have to spend my time with my loved ones, my family, friends and people who care about me.

Posted below is the comic related how different blood types thinks differently on time. It’s very funny ’cause it reminds me of one incident which went something like this. I asked my roommate if he wants to have a dinner over the phone, so he agreed and said he was coming straight away. He did not showed up after 30 minutes (can’t believe I waited for that long) so I called again and guess what… He said he just finished bathing and now only leaving the home….Well, that’s my story and I think you could guess what is his blood type easily.

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Blood Type~: Space

Have you ever feel uncomfortable when a stranger or people you dislike getting too close to you? That’s a personal bubble, a so called invisible bubble surrounding when interacting with people. Interestingly the range of the bubble varies based on many factors like character, place of origin, culture, gender, relationship and so on. People from the city tend to have higher tolerance when a stranger comes into their personal bubble.  An extrovert has a smaller bubble, they tend to talk very closely a person which is of course an introvert find this very offending ‘coz their bubble is much bigger. A couple in a relationship tend to have very small bubble in between. In a country where culture and old tradition is still dominant and practiced like Japan the bubble is bigger than the western countries. But interesting to point out that this invisible bubble seems to diasspear during the mass train commuter in Japan, see this video to get what I mean.

As this post is related to spaces, here I am presenting another comic from realcrazyman. Somehow this image is kinda represent me ‘coz whenever I go to a party I will quickly go to the sides where I can grab the food easily and just eat quietly and hopefuly no one will disrupt the “precious moment” between me and my beloved food. OK, thank God I am not an AB type, maybe that kinda person finds toilet is a perfect hiding place for party. Enjoy the comic!

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Blood Type Personality

I personally believe that our personally traits are somehow related to blood types. You don’t, well who cares, it’s my blog anyway.

It’s interesting to point out that blood type science is taken seriously in fields like relationship, health, diet and many more. Have you seen books written by dietitians pointing out which food and veges should be eaten by people with type O, which sports should be avoided by type B and so on? The Japanese takes blood type importance a step further whereby having blood A type gives you higher chance to land a job. They also kinda believe that A won’t go with B, but ok with AB and so on. In fact, this blood type trend started from Japan. (I will do more research on this in near future)

Related to blood type, yesterday I got an email sent by my friend, Donna, which made me LOLZ. The email is a strip comics of different characteristics of people based on their blood type. I found it really funny and interesting mostly on how closely the characters are portrayed by myself and my surrounding friends. So as we was recalling and crosschecking the funny events happened between our friends, Donna found out that there’s missing pieces in the comics so it is incomplete. Luckily the lost comics are found but unlucky for me it’s all in mandarin…. and Donna knows Mandarin (I really have to learn this language). So we decided why not she translate the comic from Mandarin into English and I do the photoshopping.

So after hours of translation and photoshop… I learn something through out this small project. For all those of you who read comic and manga, respect your fansubbers, they really put a lot of time and effort to bring the best translation and put it nicely on that irritating small little balloon box. I am amazed how some words appear like so small portion in mandarin but damn freaking long in English, I modified some balloons to appear larger so it can fit the thing….

Anyway apart from that hours spent, I really enjoyed this comic.  Apart from jokes, it helps to understand how my friends behave in certain situation. Big credit and appreciation goes to realcrazyman, you are one hell of talented Korean manga artist. His sense of humor and the way he explain things are so entertaining. Second credit goes to whateverwebsiteinchinese who translated from Korean to Mandarin. Of course credit to Donna for the email, translation and pointing out the missing strips from the email, this post won’t be here without your contribution. Not to forget my sis, for helping me on the photoshopping, thank you ALL so much.

Here is one of the comics which I can relate especially during my college days. I am one kind of guy who needs my own space when it comes to studying. So hehe, you  guessed what my blood type already… I will post the comic one per day, so you can come visit this blog more often, ENJOY!

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Just the Way You Are

I have this song on my mp3 player for a long time and I never really pay attention to the lyrics till recently. The song which originally written by Billy Joel hit big time on the late 70’s. Personally I think the song shows how great love should be which is loving just the way it is. Nothing has to be changed, I just love you as it is. Wonderful but in reality this is not often the case. Maybe I will post some of my personal experience on later post 😛 or maybe not. hehe

This song was dedicated to Billy Joel’s first wife, Elizabeth Weber as a wedding gift. But ironically they got divorced 2 years later. So somehow must have changed during that 2 years eh? Click here for more information on this song

The funny part is Billy Joel himself was unsure to leave the track on the album or to leave it. But thanks to his colleagues, Linda Ronsdadt and Phoebe Snow (I have no idea who they are but thanks them for saving) the song was released and it became a big hit. This shows how second opinion matters 😛

Since I love the song so much, I did a little search on youtube on the artist who have covered this song before. Here are some videos which I found. Feel free to leave comments for more videos which you found!

Billy Joel

Grover Washington Jr

Barry White

Shirley Bassey

Frank Sinatra

Personally I like Diana Krall version the best. So here it is, enjoy with the lyrics!

Just the Way You Are

Don’t go changing, trying to please me
You never let me down before
I don’t imagine you’re too familiar
And I don’t see you anymore
I would not leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I’ll take the bad times
I’ll take you just the way you are

Don’t go trying some new fashion
Don’t change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care

I don’t want clever conversation
I don’t want to work that hard
I just want some someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are.

I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.

I said I love you and that’s forever
And this I promise from my heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.

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Fashion Blends with Technology

I had never been a fashion fan. For me the idea of following fashion trend just because some famous people dress in some way it’s just crazy. More over I guess that the trend has its cycle, it will come back for no reason whatsoever. Personally as an gadget freak I always put features on top of the design.

But this video somehow changed my perspective on fashion a bit. The designer (sorry for not getting the designer’s name, any fashionitas out there can help me?) manages to blend technology of machinery and electronic with fashion. I like the ideas and still wondering how on earth that piece of clothing works.

Anyway here is the video, be warned though. The video contain explicit nudity starting on the 2nd minutes onward. How I stumbled upon this video you asked? Hehe, asked any young boys how to get this “material” easily, and most probably they encountered it on fashion videos.

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Doggy HairStyle

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few.

Shunryu Suzuki

I agree with that statement, in the hands of experts, possibilities are literally limitless. I have no idea how the hair stylist did that. I hope this was not part of the hair.

Feel free to browse more of the beasty hairstyles on my flickr photostream

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How to be a less bored bus driver?

The fact is my life right now is too dependent on the bus. I am not sure about you but I have a bad habit of only recognizing the bus number but not the person who drives the bus.

Yeah, am talking about the bus driver. It seems like their existence is so… non exist as if the bus is already pro grammatically run on itself and is able to stop and go traveling one stop to another ’till I reach my destination.

With all the respect to all the bus drivers there, I think they are doing great jobs. I mean without them, I won’t be able to reach my office and church. But personally I think their job is the one that requires most repetitive tasks on daily basis. They have to drive through the same route everyday, check if the pay is correct or maybe the worst case got beaten just by staring at some gangster.

So as I was seating in a bus on the way back to my place, I was thinking how to make a bus driver less bored? So here are some of my pointers to all the bus drivers out there, whether it will be taken or not it doesn’t matter. I am just having fun by posting 😛

Here it goes

1. Bus driver is allowed to carry self-defense weapons

Passenger not having enough money to pay? Electrify them with electric shocker. This will saves your time arguing with them. Hence, hopefully if they recover hand out them to police and say “I shocked him ‘coz he ain’t paying enuf money”

Recommended tool

Electric Shcoker

2. Have fun with the security camera

Related to first item, if becoming famous (or rather infamous) is your aim. Do select the best angle whenever you decided to poke those electric shocker to that poor naive teen who did not pay enough fare.

Make sure you do it in style, after all what really matters and brings all those good ratings in youtube video is the style and camera angle. So make sure you do it right!

3. Shout to the jaywalkers and cyclist

You are in rush for very limited precious lunch hour session with your kakis, and the not so uncommon things decided to appear in front of your bus. A jaywalker who definitely color blinded (can’t differentiate green and red) and bicyclist who still think that they don’t belong to the pavement and not in the road (poor them actually, it’s like being rejected everywhere).

So whenever you encounter these fellows, do the right thing. Speed up your bus, horn like there’s no tomorrow. And if this ain’t fun enough to you, swear in hokkiens or whatever language you prefer.

4. Give misleading direction to passenger asking for direction

“Is this bus going to Takashimaya?” This kinda question might be asked hundreds of times and most probably you are very irritated by this kinda question. So have fun, tell lies. Don’t worry if they get lost, after all she is going to shopping in takashimaya which means she has the money to get back to her destination when she found that she is lost, rite?

5. Speed like today is your last day on earth

You have the total full control of the bus. God Speed! If you do this be prepared that this might be your last day and just pray you won’t break any old auntie and granpa’s leg on the way.

6. Stop the bus as if it’s yours for 20 minutes because one teenage boy paid his fare 55 cent short

No other man can better explain how to do it other than this bus driver on youtube. Learn from him!

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First Footprint

The idea behind this blog is to scribble whatever ideas I have in mind 2day. The ideas most probably will not come to realization but well who knows…there’s no harm in pouring our creative minds anyway. I just hope I can be faithful and consistent on posting one idea a day as the blog title suggests. Please feel free to leave any comments and critics (love it) if you are willing to.

By the way I stumbled into one article on 10 steps for boasting creativity which I think is interesting and it happens to be an inspiration to start this blog, enjoy!

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